An agency with creative solutions for all your eCommerce needs
We began in 2009 building websites and developing mobile apps. With CommerceShop we offer the best of both worlds: eCommerce marketing and development all under one roof. We help leading retailers and brands achieve their goals. Our strategic thinking, creative ability, and technology skills work together ensuring your success. We specialize in eCommerce marketing, eCommerce design and eCommerce development. Our team created an award winning eCommerce marketing platform called TargetBay that has over 500 customers and is growing +100% annually. Please contact us and join us on our this mission to become the best eCommerce Agency in the South.
I’m a seasoned B2B and B2C technology entrepreneur that loves helping people and organizations achieve their business goals.
I am an eCommerce development architect and ensure the foundations are built to last.
I am the eCommerce conversion expert that loves to make you more money.
I’m a seasoned B2B and B2C technology entrepreneur that loves helping people and organizations achieve their business goals.
I was a development architect and am rapidly becoming a digital eCommerce marketing SME.
I am the analyst to help your business grow.
CommerceShop helps you achieve the desired conversion rates and traffic needed to grow.