A FREE Webinar on fueling your eCommerce SEO and accelerating performance with Core Web Vitals

A FREE Webinar on fueling your eCommerce SEO and accelerating performance with Core Web Vitals

Google always wants to give the best search experience to its users. One of the primary reasons for Google’s massive success is that Google constantly keeps enhancing its ranking algorithms to render super-refined, accurate, and real-time results.

Core Web Vitals is one of the most recent Google algorithms that focuses thoroughly on improvising the overall page experience delivered by the websites. Effective from May 2021, this algorithm has massively changed the way how websites rank and show up on the search engine.

What do Core Web Vitals mean for eCommerce businesses?

The success of an eCommerce website lies at the intersection of search engine optimization and user experience optimization. That’s exactly what the Core Web Vitals algorithm is all about too. Unlike previous algorithm updates from Google that had the prime focus on content and relevance, this update emphasizes more on the page experience, ease of use, and UX-friendliness.

7 Vital Page Experience Factors Every Ecommerce Website

Listed below are the 7 important elements that Google takes into consideration while ranking a website.

  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Safe browsing
  • HTTPS-enabled
  • Intrusive interstitials
  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
  • First Input Delay (FID)
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

The first four parameters have always been given a high priority while the last three are the latest addition to the Core Web Vitals algorithm that emphasizes speed, interactivity, and visual stability.

Webinar from The Commerce Shop

As a leading eCommerce seo services, The Commerce Shop has always been at the forefront when it comes to empowering eCommerce businesses with adept services and best-in-class solutions. Besides providing world-class services The Commerce Shop also strives to strengthen the eCommerce space by sharing the wealth of knowledge and information and years of hands-on experience.

In the light of helping hundreds of eCommerce businesses streamline their optimization strategy and adapt their SEO to pass Google’s core web vitals, The Commerce Shop hosts a FREE webinar on 2nd September 2021. Titled as ‘Core Web Vitals and eCommerce optimization’, the webinar will be an insightful free 1-hour session and it throws light on how the industry leaders are preparing for rapidly changing SEO algorithms.

Here’s more on what the webinar will cover. Register now to join the webinar & get a FREE on-demand consultation with our eCommerce experts.

What you’ll learn:

  • An overview of Google’s Core Web Vitals algorithm update
  • The important parameters Google considers as core web vitals
  • Best practices to mitigate the impact of the core web vitals update
  • Why most users leave your website in just seconds and how to resolve it
  • Practical strategies to optimize your site for better SEO outcomes
  • Steps to prepare your site for the upcoming changes

What you’ll get:

  • Expert insights on how to enhance your overall eCommerce performance
  • Proven tips and tricks to boost page speed and responsiveness
  • A 30-minutes FREE on-demand consultation with eCommerce experts
  • Industry-best practices to measure and track your site’s performance metrics
  • Free access and subscription to learning resources on eCommerce optimization

About the speakers

Karthik Kalimuthu
Senior Solution Architect, The Commerce Shop

With a customer-first approach, Karthick creates delightful eCommerce solutions. He builds amazingly effective eCommerce stores and carries out scientific A/B tests to significantly grow eCommerce sales. Being a data scientist, he creatively analyses the data metrics to identify the best variants of the eCommerce websites.

Steven Russell
Director of Sales, The Commerce Shop

Steven Russel is a top-performing Sales Entrepreneur who combines his Management, Sales, and Leadership expertise to deliver substantial revenue growth in highly competitive eCommerce business markets. He has strong expertise in driving eCommerce growth through strategic planning, customer satisfaction, solid leadership, and problem-solving skills.